Saturday, March 3, 2012

Kingdom of God message by John Piper

Below is the link for the John Piper message that we watched this past week at Unite.  As we are navigating our way through the book of Mark we fall upon three parables in Chapter 4 that describe the Kingdom of God.  This message is a great teaching on what the Kingdom of God is and how it impacts our lives.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Great Article on Role Models

This is a great article on role models, which I think applies perfectly when starting mentorship/discipleship.

What is Unite?

Hey Guys,

My name is Stephen Newman and I lead Unite, which is a college & 20s gathering that meets every Monday night at 7:30pm at The Edge @Warren Baptist Church.  The goal of this gathering is not to take the place of anyone's local church service or small group, but rather to unite a generation of college and 20's to come to together to Glorify God and stand up and speak out for His people.  It does not matter what church, small group, or denomination you are...we would love to have you unite with us on Monday nights to be equipped and edified in order to truly impact Augusta and abroad with the message that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father.

I will be posting updates that will follow the discipleship ministry that we are laying out starting this week.  I will post links to resources and thoughts that will accompany the doctrines and disciplines that we are going through together.  I will also use this as a place to post thoughts on our Mark series that Unite will be going through for the Spring semester.